17 Apr 4 Common Maintenance Service Needs for Single Ply Roofing
Just like other types of roofs, maintenance of a single ply roofing system is essential for increasing life expectancy and achieving ongoing performance as well as ensuring the validity of the roof system guarantee. Proper care of the single ply roofing starts with basic protection against damage. The roof system should be inspected several times throughout the year, especially in the Fall and Spring. Further inspections and maintenance services are appropriate after incidences of extreme weather.
Following are 4 common maintenance service needs for single ply roofing:
1. Removing Unnecessary Debris
While a single ply roofing system can be walked on, the flexible and lightweight membrane layers are easily punctured. A single ply roofing system does not have a hard-top layer so it is susceptible to damage. Certain damages could create holes in the insulation and rubber and make them vulnerable to leaks. Because of this, it is highly recommended that you remove any unnecessary debris from your single ply roofing area and particularly remove those objects that could cause damage to it. You should also consider having your nearby trees trimmed and putting down protective mats in areas of the roof that get the most foot traffic.
2. Post Storm Inspection
Hail, high winds, and other weather events can create damage to single ply roofs that may trigger repairs or insurance claims. You should consider having your roof inspected immediately following weather events to prevent further damage because of water infiltration. Damage from hail or winds can be slight and require little more than minor maintenance. So, it is recommended that you do a walk-around looking for obvious damage to your single ply roof such as separated flashings. You should also look for signs of leaks. Post storm inspection is highly recommended as it allows you to identify and fix problems that are just beginning. Hiring a professional roofing inspector will ensure that your damage is identified and documented properly.
3. Flashing Inspection
When it comes to developing leaks, seams are the weakest point. Roof flashings protect seams. Over time, flashings become loose for a wide variety of reasons, allowing water to enter and remain in the seams. Since this is a common occurrence, it is recommended that you have these areas of your single ply roofing inspected at least quarterly and pay special attention to the area around skylights, vents, and other openings. Minor separations can be patched, however if the flashing damage is serious, your roof will need professional attention.
4. Leak Assessment
Leaks after heavy rain are also a common occurrence when it comes to single ply roofing systems. So, you should consider having the roof inspected after a heavy rain. Keep in mind that a leak is only suggestive of an issue that may have been building for some time. A leak is actually good news in some cases, if you are looking for silver lining. That’s because if you don’t have any evidence of a roof leak, a festering problem of undetected moisture infiltration may create unseen deterioration like corrosion, wet insulation, mold, etc. So, calling a professional to have the roof assessed is highly recommended as soon as you notice any leaking.
Just as with most things, prevention is better than correction when it comes to roofs as well. So, schedule time every month to catch little problems before they transform into disasters.
Single Ply Roofing Experts is an OSHA trained and certified California Licensed Contractor that provides commercial roofing services throughout the state of California. With a major emphasis on safety, we offer 24 hour service and roof repair, installation / new construction, roof removal, preventative maintenance, energy roofing, inspections and pre-inspections, mechanically attached, adhesive, and tapered systems for Supermarkets / Retail, Hotel, Apartment Building, Car Dealerships, Distribution Centers, Government Buildings, Military Bases, and More. For any questions, or to receive an estimate, call us at (714) 631-6773 or fill out our online contact form.